It is an unpleasant thought, but a simple fact that many dogs are affected by warts in their lifetime. We’re going to examine why they appear, how they are treated, and what to do if your dog has warts.
More often than not, a wart appearing on your cockapoo would not be anything to worry about. Next time you see the vet, just have them look and rule out any fear of skin cancer or other cancerous cells. If any new skin growth appears on your dog, just be sure to get it checked right away.
So what are dog warts? Warts on dogs are caused by the canine papillomavirus. This is an immune disorder that is fairly common and very contagious between dogs. The bright side is that most commonly, the only symptom of the canine papillomavirus is that the warts would appear on your cockapoo. A dog can get warts on the mucous membranes like lips, tongue, and eyelids, and this commonly is where puppies will be affected.
An older cockapoo that develops warts will more likely have them appear on other parts of the skin, but not around the mucous membranes. In some cases, when a dog catches oral papillomavirus, you may notice some other symptoms such as increase or decrease in appetite, blood from the mouth, excessive drooling and tenderness in the abdomen area. In either case, due to the very contagious nature of the canine papillomavirus, you will want to separate your affected dog from other dogs in the house. Don’t worry though, you cannot catch doggy warts from your cockapoo, and your other household pets (like cats and small animals) are safe also.
Just a side note about the canine papillomavirus here: it is an extremely common virus that almost all dogs are exposed to in their lifetime and depending on how strong their immune system is at the time, they may or may not have a progression of the virus and develop papillomas, or warts. There is an oral vaccination that can be administered by a veterinarian to prevent progression of the disease, but it is usually used more often in large outbreaks like kennels or dog facilities. Also, there is a papillomavirus present in cats also, but it is not spread between species.
A wart on your cockapoo can can be raised or inverted. It can look like a head of cauliflower or it can be a lump under the skin. It can be flesh toned, gray or black. When a puppy gets the papillomavirus, it will often present as warts on the lips and can spread to the mouth and tongue. They can also appear on or around the eyelids. Although the warts will appear in clusters in most cases, once a vet has determined that they are caused by the canine papillomavirus, he will probably tell you that they do not need to be removed from your cockapoo puppy. This is because they usually clear up in a couple of months on their own, and removing them may cause more pain and hassle for your pooch than is necessary.
On your older cockapoo, the warts will likely appear on joints or any other part of the body. These will need to be tested, and may also be left on the dog. With any non-cancerous wart, it is more often than not, recommended to leave them on. If a dog develops the virus, it stays in the system and removing the warts will only end the problem for short periods of time. Warts will likely grow back in the same or a new area on your cockapoo.
So what do you do when your dog has warts?
First, see the veterinarian. After things are determined to be well with your cockapoo, you may want to just get used to it. If you can’t stand it, there are a couple of holistic items out there that can be tried. We don’t want to recommend particular sites on these, because we have not tried any of them. Two things that we have seen recommended, and feel may be tried safely (although we can make no statement as to their efficacy) is to put Vitamin E on the warts if they are on the skin or you can put castor oil on them to soften the warts up and make them less irritating to your dog.
Whatever you decide, be sure to follow up with your veterinarian if you see new growths or any changes in the skin. Only a trained medical professional can truly diagnose the issues in your cockapoos health.