A company we are affiliated with, PetFoodDirect.com, is running some impressive events and promotions this month. We have regular contact with this company, appreciate their selection of products, and believe they care about helping customers, which is why we agreed to become an affiliate. We are linking to a few hand-picked deals we found interesting.
First, whatever you do, use this code when you checkout: AUGUST15. You’ll save 15% on orders of $49 or more.
UP TO 42% OFF the Dog Is Good apparel, storage, toys and feeders at PetFoodDirect.com – plus NEW items! (Some great ceramics here, like dog bowls, mugs, and treat containers. The mugs are pretty funny!)
All Holistic Select dry dog food is on sale now – UP TO 55% OFF – at PetFoodDirect.com (A natural food I have heard good things about, and at a low price.)
Enter to win a $500 Shopping Spree! (Scroll down and enter your email address to enter to win a $500 shopping spree. Imagine everything you and your pup can get for $500…)
For more info, See this Month’s Exciting New Deals – Shop the Latest Sales and Specials at PetFoodDirect.com
FULL DISCLOSURE: We are an affiliate of the above company, so when you purchase something from them, we earn money. This helps us keep cockapoocrazy.com alive and kicking!