As a cockapoo owner, its important to know that what you feed your dog not only affects his coat and skin, but his whole body. For example, your cockapoo may be getting too little essential fatty acids (EFA) in his diet if his coat is dull. EFAs play an important role in the diet of both you AND your dog.
While sufficient EFA will give your cockapoo a healthy looking coat and prevent ailments such as dandruff and dry skin, don’t simply rush to add this dietary supplement. Your cockapoos body does not produce its own EFA, but you should only add supplements to its diet if a vet has diagnosed a specific skin ailment.
If you are unsure about the need to supplement your cockapoos diet in any way, ask your vet for advice. That way, you will know whether your cockapoo needs supplementation and what the best forms and dosages would be.
If you are advised to add additional EFAs, such as Omega-6 and 3 to your cockapoos diet, make sure to ask your vet about using EFA-rich linseed or sunflower oils. Once you begin to supplement your cockapoos diet with EFA, you should notice a dramatic improvement in your dogs overall health and coat in just a couple of weeks.
Most types of commercial dog food contain sufficient levels of Omega-6 fatty acids. However, adding Omega-3 fatty acids (found in ingredients such as flaxseed and fish) to your cockapoos diet on a vets recommendation, or using a quality food that contains Omega-3 ingredients, will definitely improve overall health.
Remember to check what kinds of fish are suitable to feed your cockapoo, as not all types of fish are safe for dogs to eat. When it comes to your cockapoos diet and health, CAUTION is the keyword! Always check with your vet first before adding any supplement or drastically changing a diet. Your cockapoos diet is a vital ingredient to ensure your pooch will be happy, healthy, and yappy for many years to come!