Does your cockapoo have bad breath? Dog aren’t supposed to have wonderful breath, but it shouldn’t be absolutely foul either. Usually the less-than-savory odors emanating from a dog’s mouth is a sign of plaque and tartar build-up. However, in some cases it can be far more serious. That’s why it is important to take steps to identify and correct the problem before it gets worse. Here’s how.
BRUSH THOSE TEETH: Start brushing your dog’s teeth. Every day would be nice, but that’s not always realistic. Aim for at least once per week. We advise using the type of toothbrush that slides onto your finger. They are soft, the bristles are gentle, and many dogs seem more willing to accept their owner’s finger in their mouth than a big toothbrush. Use only flavored toothpastes formulated for dogs, as they will be swallowing it. This is fine, you want it to be tasty so that the dog is more likely to accept it. Use positive reinforcement only, as negative emotions only reinforce that tooth-brushing is bad. Slowly teach your dog to enjoy having his or her teeth brushed. It will take some time, but it is worth it.
ANNUAL DENTAL EXAMS: Take your cockapoo to the veterinarian annually for a dental examination. This check-up is important, and the vet may decide to schedule a deeper cleaning if it is necessary. If your vet thinks such a cleaning is necessary, please listen to them: tooth decay and infection can lead to potentially fatal illnesses.
THE DIET FACTOR: Like people, your cockapoo’s diet has an obvious correlation to his breath. Some foods can affect the dog’s breath, although this usually passes after a few hours. It is best to feed your cockapoo only dry dog food, as the crunchiness can help keep the teeth clean. Besides, some soft foods produce foul breath.
CHEWING IS IMPORTANT: Nylon bones, dental chews, and dried pig’s ears can help prevent tartar and plaque build-up. Chewing is a vital component of dental health for dogs. It strengthens and brushes their teeth simultaneously.
NO SCAVENGING: Make sure your dog isn’t getting into anything. From cat food to animal feces, from rotten vegetation to garbage, dogs are renowned for their ability to find and eat everything under the sun. Table scraps are a bad idea, too. All of these things can not only make your dog have stinky breath, they can also cause serious harm.
SPRAYS, MINTS, AND WATER ADDITIVES: There are oral sprays, natural water additives, and doggy mints that are specially formulated for canines. Try these out, as they are sold in a wide variety of flavors that your cockapoo is likely to love, and they are generally inexpensive. You can even use some of them as treats for positive reinforcement.
If you follow all these tips, and your dog is still having bad breath issues, visit your veterinarian and have him check for underlying issues. If the vet finds no underlying illness, and your dog still has foul breath, there are special foods formulated to improve your dog’s breath.