Are you familiar with everything the Cockapoo Crazy website has to offer? Here are some of the different ways you can use our site for fun, information, and even a good laugh.

Peruse Or Search 100+ Articles: We have well over 100 articles on this site, all related to cockapoos. If you look in the right sidebar, you will see a list of labels, such as Care, Fun, Health, etc. The number next to the label tells you how many articles we have on that subject. So, if you want to know more about your dog’s health, you can click on “Health” and peruse that section.

Alternatively, if you are looking for more specific information, use the Search Cockapoo Crazy tool in the left sidebar. For instance, you might type in “Brush” if you are looking for information about brushes for your dog, or “Dog Food” if you are concerned about his food. This will return context-relevant information.

Cockapoo Crazy Facebook Club: Our Facebook fan page has an incredible community of over 4,000 cockapoo owners and enthusiasts. It is a great place to interact and talk about your dog.

Cockapoo Forum: At the top of the page, there is a button that says “FORUM.” Use that to visit sign up for our forum. You can post photos, talk about your dogs, and even enter contests and slideshows.

Follow Feed: If you follow website feeds with a feed reader, you can subscribe to ours here or using the link in the bottom of the left sidebar. This will give you regular updates in a compact format.

Cockapoo TV On YouTube: Like watching videos starring cockapoos? Want to submit yours to us? There is now a Cockapoo Crazy YouTube channel, and you can sign up just by going there and clicking subscribe. These are some of the cutest videos about cockapoos online, so enjoy them!

Cockapoo e-Books: We have an assortment of original ebooks available here at Cockapoo Crazy. They can all be found, including the free Cockapoo Obedience Training Manual, via the ebooks link at the top of the page.

Cockapoo Stories: Our “A Cockapoo Story” section, which can be reached by the tab at the top of the page, has the stories of many cockapoos, as told by their owners. After you read theirs, submit yours and share what makes your relationship with your cockapoo special!

Twitter Followers: You can follow us on Twitter for regular updates, by clicking the Twitter link!

Email Us: Want to email us with a question or comment, or just to say “hi”? Visit our “About Us” page, which you can reach from a tab on the top of the page. There you can read about the husband and wife team behind Cockapoo Crazy, and get our email address. We love hearing from our visitors and will respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.